Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brumbun Beach


Brumbun beach is located in Wewengkon, Tulungagung district where adjacent to the south coast. This is actualy the bay that still very natural and clean.  Brumbun beach is very natural and beautiful.
Located about 35 miles from center of Tulungagung city. The road is hilly, so I sugested to check your vehicle and must completely fit.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wonorejo’s Dam ( Waduk Wonorejo )


Wonorejo’s dam is the dam where located in wonerejo villages, pagerwojo’s sub-district, Tulungagung regency, east java, Indonesia. The location from center of city about 12 Km. with the the volume of the dam about 122 meter square, the wonorejo’s dam is one of the largest dam in Indonesia and south east asia.

Wonorejo’s has launched in 2001 by Megawati soekarno putri as vice President of Indonesia. Wonorejo’s dam have an important function for hydropower and sources of dringking water in east java province.

Until now the dam have fuction for one of beautiful nature for tourism in Tulungagung regency beside popoh beach.

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Previously, Tulungagung was only a small area located surrounding a location where the center of the town is situated now. That area was named Tulungagung, because it provided a great water source - in Old Javanese language, tulung means water source, and agungmeans big. The larger area are called Ngrowo. Ngrowo was still used as the name of Tulungagung until 20th Century, when the capital city location was moved from Kalangbret to Tulungagung.
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